Swiss Data Center Association

Vigiswiss® Swiss Data Center Association is the first certified network of Swiss data storage and protection companies.

Its mission is to preserve the global digital memory.

Vigiswiss was formed to store and protect the confidential data of governments, organizations, companies and individuals the world over and to protect related systems (e.g. data processing, analysis, communications and transmission). The Vigiswiss label is a guarantee of the excellence of the services delivered by its members and their partners: data centers, hosts, integrators and associated service providers. Under the Vigiswiss charter, certified members agree to provide a defined level of security, not to host illegal data (e.g. data related to terrorism, child pornography, etc.) and to be regularly audited by an independent body.

The Vigiswiss initiative is underpinned by an ecosystem of digital economy professionals in the areas of data protection, cybersecurity or big data. The Vigiswiss strategic committee and its various expert groups are made up of technical, legal, academic, economic and political specialists at the forefront of their respective field. Together they support the fundamental role that Switzerland is now prepared to play: to be the world’s safe haven for data and preserve the global digital memory.

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